Rabu, 05 September 2018

Daily Activity (English Version)

   Today I came to campus at 7:35 a.m. As usual before entering, we were absent first by the senior, then entered the kitchen. After we entered the kitchen, we immediately one line and prayed before starting the activity. After praying, we continued the preparations yesterday. But before that Mr. Ical came and he explained a little about the European Buffet for today, and Indonesia Buffet for tomorrow. For the appetizer today, there are macedoine of vegetables with mayonnaise, fruit jelly salad, monte cristo and sandwich club.

     For macedoine of vegetables with mayonnaise, we have prepared mayonnaise and we have cut vegetables into macedoine yesterday. So, for today we only have vegetable toast with mayonnaise and season with salt and pepper. Furthermore, for the fruit jelly salad we made yesterday's fruit jelly, so we only toast with whipped cream made by the pastry section. Then, for the monte cristo and club sandwich we have prepared bread yesterday, and for filling there is smoke beef, bacon and chicken breast. First, we thawing smoke beef, bacon and chicken breast. Next, we pan-fried. Then, we bake bread. After that, we made monte cristo. Add bread and put chicken breast, smoke beef, cheese and bread. Then, put in eggs mixed with milk and flour and fry. Next, we make club sandwiches. Place the bread smeared with mayonnaise, then place lettuce, tomatoes, 2 slices of bacon, bread, chicken breast, lettuce, and bread. 12 we have finished and we serve food to the restaurant.

Fruit Jelly Salad

Club Sandwich

Monte Cristo

After that, we began preparing Indonesian buffets, namely:

Dojang Nakeng

Rujak Mie


Soto Padang

Soto Banjar


White rice


Ayam Bakar Taliwang

Santan Eggplant

Plecing Vegetables


Doko Doko Cangkuning

Bubuh Injin

And my group handled the appetizer again, dojang nakeng and rujak nie. I have never made this menu before, so I'm honestly a little confused. But luckily my friend wanted to help make rujak noodles, so I just prepared a dojang nakeng. But I can't prepare very well because a lot of material is not available, so we only thawing coconut and fish stocks. After preparing, we started the general cleaning immediately. 19.00 we were on line and there were a number of deliveries from Mr. Ical after that we went homes

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