Kamis, 17 Mei 2018

Daily Activity ( English Version)

Since today coincided with the 1st of Ramadhan, so the lecturer gave us a policy for come to campus at 13.00. All the activities on this day will start from that time until it's done. The menu we created today is Thai food, this menu is made by group 1 and group 2. On this day, there is no division of group as the previous practice day. Due to the menu made today is intended to break the fast together with all seniors and lecturers.

This practice Day is a good practice because we can gather together with the seniors and lecturers without any difference for one purpose ie breaking the fast together. Before breaking the fast, we first set up his breaking menu on a banana leaf sheet neatly arranged.

As the maghrib prayer began to reverberate, it indicated that the time of iftar had arrived. Before eating the fasting menu today, we first read the fasting iftar prayer together. After praying, we started eating the food.

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