Senin, 22 Juli 2019

Daily Activity English Version

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

Dear reader, I'm back on my blog, right away after completing real work practice at Myko Hotel Conventation & Center Makassar, finally my friend and I have returned to campus again. After 6 months we left the campus kitchen a lot of changes, the rules too. Now we have entered semester 5, where we are focused on pastry & bakery. The first week of our lecture entered the practice week and this week we are still adjusting.

The first week we went into fast food material. Where we were divided into two groups namely group one and group two. Group one gets a brazilian menu, and group two gets a Korean menu. I entered into two groups, meaning fast food itself is food that is available in a fast and ready to eat. Well this time we were trained to serve food quickly even though we were a little confused. And when people order food, the maximum time to wait for food is 15 minutes.

By the way, in our group, we still have a section and I handle Honey Chicken Wings

Here are our photos at practice:

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