I came to the kitchen at 7:15 p.m. As usual before entering we checked grooming, tools and absences. After that we pray that all can run smoothly and our products are good. Today we enter the Oriental Buffet menu to be served to the restaurant at lunch time. Today the food must be ready at 11:30 all must be ready to be served.
Then we started doing 8:30 my group got a soup section, we started preparing ingredients and started making Tom Yam Gong and Pho Bho.Tom Yam Gong is one type of soup that comes from Thailand. This food is very popular in Thailand and is one of its special dishes. Tom Yam has several types, one of which is Tom Yam Goong or Tom Yam Udang. Pho Bo is arguably the "meatball of Vietnam" because indeed the form of the dish resembles meatballs that are easily found in Jakarta. In fact, one of the ingredients in Pho Bo is beef meatballs. The difference is, Pho Bo is served with kwetiaw and pieces of meat. Also added chopped onions, leeks, vegetables and chili.
After 11:45 all are ready to be served to the restaurant. After opening the restaurant, we usually do general cleaning, general cleaning is done every day and today we do general cleaning at 13:00 until 16:00. We do general cleaning according to our respective sections. after that we went home. Here's a photo of our activities today:
Pho Bo

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