Today I came to the kitchen at 7:25. As usual before entering, we are absent first by senior incharge and then entered the kitchen. After we entered the kitchen, we immediately one line according to the group. And today's menu is Indonesian Buffet. Then Mr. ical explained a little about the portion of buffet that was received by each person. And today my group got a section of soup, namely soto padang and soto banjar.
After sharing the menu, Chef Dino entered to explain and teach us how to cook every food that is good and right. After that, we started cooking. Today I, Mifta, and Wahyu take care of preparations for the Soto Banjar, while Nabilah, Fauzia, and Yandi take care of preparations for Soto Padang . Today we only prepare the ingredients. Then, when we reread the recipe, it turned out that our group had to make Potato Paties. So, when all the spices were finished, we started making Potato Paties dough.
After that, we started peeling potatoes, then cut into 4 parts. After we cut it, we fry it. After the potatoes have started to soften, we look for the mixing dough to smooth the potatoes. But, because the mixing dough is used by semester 5 we finally pound it manually, then we add salt, egg, leek and celery. After that we took the hand glove then started to mix the potatoes using our hands. After that, we began to shape it. After that we kept it in the chiller. After we stored Potato Paties (Perkedel) earlier in the chiller, we immediately started the general cleaning then soon we were one line then returned to our homes.

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