Selasa, 20 Maret 2018

MID (English Version)

   Today I went to campus quickly because there was a flag ceremony, until our campus went straight to the field lined up. Not long after that we were reprimanded because the others wore theoretical clothes while we were wearing practice clothes. After that we went back to the kitchen but today was different  because MID. We entered the kitchen at 08:00 a.m, For MID today was group 1 consisting of 10 people but we assisted by group 2 (Project).
   For the menu MID practice today rotation 1.2.We had MID duty to handle one courses and friends who helped us. We tasked to direct the cook helper to make the courses we have got and we were responsible for the courses, for example if the cook helper do error will affect our value.
   Mr. Syahrial appointed us as a leader so we will know what the leader is like, whether our subordinates can obey what we direct or not and become a leader that responsibility is so great. I am with my colleague that is Ainul got responsibility for the courses appetizer, appetizer menu today is Hawaian Chicken Salad. Chicken Salad Hawaian is a food derived from Hawai, Hawaian said because at the time of presentation, the body of this salad is Hawaian (Pineapple) is divided two and the contents of this Hawaian is taken and filled with chicken salad. The chicken cooked using Vide method where the chicken smeared with French Dressing and lemon put in plastic pounch and then the air is removed, then after the chicken in steam until the marinade seeped.

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