Kamis, 22 Februari 2018

Daily Activity #8 (English Version)

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Back again on my Blog,today is the last day of second week of second semester practice about table d'hote menu.I leave from home at 6:35 am to the campus,at 08:00 we are one line in front of the kitchen.Before entering thr kitchen first we are absent,checking equipment and grooming,after that we went to the kitchen store bags and innate others in locker and back one line in cool kitchen.

At 08:30 we were given directions by seniors to prepare all the ingredients,the tools needed to make the rotation menu 1.3 and in charge of today handle all the food that is group one and group two who come out kitchen to think of mini project what wiil be made later and this done until the fifth semester.Soon we were told to went into the kitchen to move things to a new class that had been renovated and rearranged the books that had been moved then after that we went out again to rest while waiting for group one.

After group one finished presenting we were told to went the cool kitchen one line and given rest for one hour and after the we were told one line to be given a lot of input,motivation by pak ical.The after that we were told to clean the kitchen area,but before that we divided some sections for general cleaning.After that was finished we were rest for a moment and one line back for the preparation to went home respectively.

The image below is the product of group one,from Appetizer,Soup,Main Course, and Dessert

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